Dedication Page (page 5) Table of Contents (page 7) Preface (page 21) Introduction (page 23) The Jews of Sanandaj (page 23) The Dialect of the Jews of Sanandaj (page 25) The Affiliation of the Dialect (page 25) The Iranian Sub-groups of NENA (page 27) Differences within the Western Iranian Sub-group (page 31) The Influence of Kurdish and Persian (page 33) Informants and Texts (page 34) The Grammar (page 35) 1. Phonology (page 37) 1.1. Consonant Phonemes (page 37) 1.1.1. Phoneme Inventory (page 37) 1.1.
2. Notes on the Phonetic Realization of the Consonants (page 38) 1.2. Phonetic Processes Relating to Voicing (page 43) 1.3. Historical Background of the Consonants (page 44) 1.3.1.
The BGDKPT Consonants (page 44) 1.3.2. Emphatic Consonants (page 46) 1.3.3. Laryngals and Pharyngals (page 47) 1.3.
4. Weakening of *z (page 52) 1.3.5. /c/ (page 52) 1.3.6. /j/ (page 53) 1.
4. Consonant Gemination (page 53) 1.5. Vowels and Syllable Structure (page 55) 1.5.1. Vowel Phoneme Inventory (page 55) 1.5.
2. The Quality of Vowels (page 56) 1.5.3. Syllabic Patterns (page 65) 1.5.4. Word-Internal Syllable Boundaries (page 68) 1.
5.5. Vowel Length (page 69) 1.6. Word Stress (page 75) 1.6.1. Nominals (page 75) 1.
6.2. Adverbials (page 76) 1.6.3. Verbs (page 77) 1.7. Stress Groups (page 79) 1.
7.1. Numeral + Counted Nominal (page 79) 1.7.2. Negator + Verb/Nominal/Adverbial (page 79) 1.7.3.
Demonstrative + Nominal (page 80) 2. Pronouns (page 81) 2.1. Independent Personal Pronouns (page 81) 2.2. Demonstrative Pronouns (page 81) 2.2.1.
Independent Near Deixis Pronouns (page 81) 2.2.2. Independent Far Deixis Pronouns (page 82) 2.2.3. Attributive Near Deixis Pronouns (page 82) 2.2.
4. Attributive Far Deixis Pronouns (page 82) 2.3. Pronominal Suffixes on Nouns and Prepositions (page 83) 2.4. Independent Genitive Pronoun (page 85) 2.5. Reflexive and Reciprocal Pronouns (page 85) 2.
6. Interrogative Pronouns (page 86) 3. Verbs (page 87) 3.1. Verbal Stems (page 87) Stem I (page 87) Stem II (page 88) Stem III (page 88) Quadriliteral (page 88) 3.2. Inflectional Suffixes (page 90) 3.2.
1. S-suffixes (page 90) 3.2.2. L-suffixes (page 90) 3.3. Inflection of the Present Base with S-suffixes (page 91) 3.3.
1. Stem I Verbs (page 91) 3.3.2. Stem II Verbs (page 91) 3.3.3. Stem III Verbs (page 92) 3.
3.4. Quadriliteral Verbs (page 92) 3.3.5. Verbs with Bases Ending in /n/ or /l/ (page 92) 3.4. Inflection of the Intransitive and Passive Past Base with S-suffixes (page 93) 3.
4.1. Stem I Verbs (page 93) 3.4.2. Stem III Verbs (page 94) 3.4.3.
Quadriliteral Verbs (page 95) 3.5. Inflection of the Transitive Past Base with S-suffixes (page 95) 3.5.1. Stem I (page 96) 3.5.2.
Stem II (page 96) 3.5.3. Stem III (page 96) 3.5.4. Quadriliteral Verbs (page 96) 3.6.
Inflection of the Transitive Past Base with L-suffixes (page 96) 3.6.1. Stem I Verbs (page 96) 3.6.2. Stem II Verbs (page 97) 3.6.
3. Stem III Verbs (page 97) 3.6.4. Quadriliteral Verbs (page 97) 3.6.5. Verbs with bases ending in /l/, /n/ or/r/ (page 98) 3.
7. Comparative Excursus (page 99) 3.8. Inflection of the Imperative (page 101) 3.8.1. Stem I Verbs (page 101) 3.8.
2. Stem II Verbs (page 101) 3.8.3. Stem III Verbs (page 101) 3.8.4. Quadriliteral Verbs (page 102) 3.
9. Inflection of the Resultative Participles (page 102) 3.9.1. Stem I Verbs (page 103) 3.9.2. Stem II Verbs (page 103) 3.
9.3. Stem III Verbs (page 104) 3.9.4. Quadriliteral Verbs (page 104) 3.10. Particles Combined with Verbal Forms (page 105) 3.
10.1. Indicative Particle (page 105) 3.10.2. Deontic Particles (page 105) 3.10.3.
Past Converter Suffix -wa (page 105) 3.11. The Copula (page 107) 3.11.1. Present Copula (page 107) 3.11.2.
Past Copula (page 109) 3.11.3. Dative Copula (page 110) 3.12. Compound Verbal Forms Containing the Verb to be'' (page 112) 3.12.1.
Realis Perfect (page 112) 3.12.2. Irrealis Perfect (page 114) 3.12.3. Evidential Perfect (page 117) 3.13.
Negation of Verbal Forms (page 118) 3.14. Weak Verbs in Stem I (page 120) 3.14.1. Verba Primae /''/ (1) (page 120) 3.14.2.
Verba Primae /''/ (2) (page 122) 3.14.3. Verba Primae /y/ (page 124) 3.14.4. Verba Mediae /y/ (page 126) 3.14.
5. Verba Tertiae /y/ (page 128) 3.14.6. Verba Primae /''/, Tertiae /y/ (page 131) 3.14.7. Verba Mediae /w/ (page 132) 3.
14.8. Verba Primae /''/ (1), Mediae /w/ (page 134) 3.14.9. Verba Primae /''/ (2), Mediae /w/ (page 135) 3.14.10.
Verba Mediae /w/, Tertiae /y/ (page 136) 3.14.11.Verba Tertiae /w/ (page 137) 3.15. Weak Verbs in Stem II (page 138) 3.15.1.
Verba Tertiae /y/ (page 138) 3.15.2. Verba Mediae /w/, Tertiae /y/ (page 139) 3.16. Weak Verbs in Stem III (page 140) 3.16.1.
Verba Primae /''/ (1) (page 140) 3.16.2. Verba Primae /''/ (2) (page 141) 3.16.3. Verba Primae /y/ (page 143) 3.16.
4. Verba Mediae /y/ (page 144) 3.16.5. Verba Tertiae /y/ (page 145) 3.16.6. Verba Primae /''/, Tertiae /y/ (page 146) 3.
16.7. Verba Mediae /w/ (page 147) 3.16.8. Verba Mediae /w/, Tertiae /y/ (page 148) 3.16.9.
Verba Tertiae /w/ (page 149) 3.16.10. Verba Primae /''/, Tertiae /w/ (page 150) 3.17. Weak Quadriliteral Verbs (page 151) 3.17.1.
Verbal Quartae /y/ (page 151) 3.18. Irregular and Defective Verbs (page 152) 3.18.1. to go'' (page 152) 3.18.2.
to want'' (page 154) 3.18.3. ''ly to know'' (page 156) 3.18.4. hwl to give'' (page 157) 3.18.
5. hyy to come'' (page 159) 3.18.6. hmy to bring'' (page 160) 3.18.7. hwy to be'' (page 162) 3.
18.8. dØy ''to hit, to place'' (page 163) 3.18.9. wlt to throw'' (page 164) 3.18.10.
mwmy to swear'' (page 165) 3.18.11. lwly to beseech'' (page 166) 3.18.12. m??wr ''to curse'' (page 167) 3.18.
13. ytw to sit'' (page 169) 3.18.14. m-tw to place'' (page 170) 3.18.15. xØy ''to see'' (page 171) 3.
18.16. xØr ''to become'' (page 172) 3.18.17. sØr ''to send'' (page 173) 3.19. Phrasal Verbs (page 174) 3.
20. Pronominal Objects (page 176) 3.20.1. Pronominal Direct Objects on Present Base Verbs (page 176) 3.20.2. Pronominal Direct Objects on Past Base Verbs (page 181) 3.
20.2. Pronominal Direct Objects on Imperatives (page 181) 3.20.4. Pronominal Direct Objects on Phrasal Verbs (page 182) 3.21. Pronominal Indirect Object (page 183) 3.
22. The Existential Particles (page 184) 3.22.1. Positive (page 184) 3.22.2. Negative (page 185) 3.
23. Possessive Constructions (page 185) 3.24. General Remarks on the Verbal Stems (page 185) 4. Nouns (page 187) 4.1. Preliminary Remarks (page 187) 4.2.
Nouns with -a Inflection (page 187) 4.2.1. Bisyllabic Patterns (page 187) 4.2.2. Trisyllabic Patterns with Three Radicals (page 191) 4.2.
3. Trisyllabic Patterns with Four or Five Radicals (page 192) 4.3. Nouns with the Feminine Ending .ta (page 192) 4.3.1. Bisyllabic Patterns (page 192) 4.
3.2. Trisyllabic Patterns Containing Two Radicals (page 194) 4.3.3. Trisyllabic Patterns Containing Three Radicals (page 195) 4.3.4.
Trisyllabic Patterns Containing Four Radicals (page 196) 4.4. Nouns with the Feminine Ending -da (page 196) 4.5. Nouns with the Feminine Ending -la (page 196) 4.6. Nouns with the Endings .ila and .
ilta (page 197) 4.7. The Ending -e (page 197) 4.8. The Ending -i (page 197) 4.9. The Ending -u (page 198) 4.10.
Nouns of Aramaic Stock with No Inflectional Ending (page 198) 4.11. Loanwords (page 198) 4.12. Gender (page 199) 4.12.1. Feminine Nouns of Aramaic Stock Ending in -a (page 199) 4.
12.2. The Gender of Loanwords (page 202) 4.13. Function of the Feminine Marker Suffixes (page 206) 4.13.1. Marking Female Gender (page 206) 4.
13.2. Marking the Singular of Collectives (page 206) 4.13.3. Verbal Nouns (page 207) 4.13.4.
Diminutive (page 208) 4.14. Derivational Affixes of Aramaic Background (page 208) 4.14.1. m-, ma- (page 208) 4.14.2.
ula (page 208) 4.14.3.ana (page 209) 4.14.4.ona (page 210) 4.14.
5. -?sta (page 211) 4.14.6. -aa (page 211) 4.15. Plural Forms (page 211) 4.15.