Preface xi List of Illustrations xv Acknowledgements xvii Introduction xix I PHILOSOPHY IN ITS INFANCY 1 The Milesians 3 Xenophanes 5 Heraclitus 6 The School of Parmenides 8 Empedocles 14 The Atomists 17 II THE ATHENS OF SOCRATES 20 The Athenian Empire 20 Anaxagoras 22 The Sophists 22 Socrates 24 The Euthyphro 26 The Crito 29 The Phaedo 30 III THE PHILOSOPHY OF PLATO 36 Life and Works 36 The Theory of Ideas 38 Plato''s Republic 41 The Theaetetus and the Sophist 50 IV THE SYSTEM OF ARISTOTLE 57 Plato''s Pupil, Alexander''s Teacher 57 The Foundation of Logic 59 The Theory of Drama 63 Moral Philosophy: Virtue and Happiness 64 Moral Philosophy: Wisdom and Understanding 68 Politics 71 Science and Explanation 72 Words and Things 74 Motion and Change 76 Soul, Sense, and Intellect 78 Metaphysics 81 V GREEK PHILOSOPHY AFTER ARISTOTLE 85 The Hellenistic Era 85 Epicureanism 87 Stoicism 89 Scepticism 91 Rome and its Empire 93 Jesus of Nazareth 94 Christianity and Gnosticism 96 Neo-Platonism 99 VI EARLY CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY 102 Arianism and Orthodoxy 102 The Theology of Incarnation 105 The Life of Augustine 107 The City of God and the Mystery of Grace 110 Boethius and Philoponus 113 VII EARLY MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY 118 John the Scot 118 Alkindi and Avicenna 121 The Feudal System 123 Saint Anselm 124 Abelard and Héloïse 126 Abelard''s Logic 128 Abelard''s Ethics 130 Averroes 131 Maimonides 133 VIII PHILOSOPHY IN THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY 135 An Age of Innovation 135 Saint Bonaventure 138 Thirteenth-Century Logic 140 Aquinas'' Life and Works 141 Aquinas'' Natural Theology 143 Matter, Form, Substance, and Accident 145 Aquinas on Essence and Existence 147 Aquinas'' Philosophy of Mind 148 Aquinas'' Moral Philosophy 149 IX OXFORD PHILOSOPHERS 154 The Fourteenth-Century University 154 Duns Scotus 155 Ockham''s Logic of Language 162 Ockham''s Political Theory 164 The Oxford Calculators 167 John Wyclif 168 X RENAISSANCE PHILOSOPHY 171 The Renaissance 171 Free-will: Rome vs. Louvain 172 Renaissance Platonism 175 Machiavelli 176 More''s Utopia 179 The Reformation 181 Post-Reformation Philosophy 185 Bruno and Galileo 187 Francis Bacon 189 XI THE AGE OF DESCARTES 194 The Wars of Religion 194 The Life of Descartes 195 The Doubt and the Cogito 198 The Essence of Mind 200 God, Mind, and Body 201 The Material World 20 XII ENGLISH PHILOSOPHY IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 209 The Empiricism of Thomas Hobbes 209 Hobbes'' Political Philosophy 211 The Political Theory of John Locke 214 Locke on Ideas and Qualities 216 Substances and Persons 219 XIII CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE AGE OF LOUIS XIV 224 Blaise Pascal 224 Spinoza and Malebranche 227 Leibniz 232 XIV BRITISH PHILOSOPHY IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 237 Berkeley 237 Hume''s Philosophy of Mind 242 Hume on Causation 246 Reid and Common Sense 248 XV THE ENLIGHTENMENT 251 The Philosophes 251 Rousseau 252 Revolution and Romanticism 256 XVI THE CRITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF KANT 259 Kant''s Copernican Revolution 259 The Transcendental Aesthetic 261 The Transcendental Analytic: The Deduction of the Categories 263 The Transcendental Analytic: The System of Principles 266 The Transcendental Dialectic: The Paralogisms of Pure Reason 269 The Transcendental Dialectic: The Antinomies of Pure Reason 271 The Transcendental Dialectic: The Critique of Natural Theology 274 Kant''s Moral Philosophy 276 XVII GERMAN IDEALISM AND MATERIALISM 280 Fichte 280 Hegel 281 Marx and the Young Hegelians 285 Capitalism and its Discontents 287 XVIII THE UTILITARIANS 290 Jeremy Bentham 290 The Utilitarianism of J. S. Mill 295 Mill''s Logic 297 XIX THREE NINETEENTH-CENTURY PHILOSOPHERS 301 Schopenhauer 301 Kierkegaard 307 Nietzsche 310 XX THREE MODERN MASTERS 313 Charles Darwin 313 John Henry Newman 318 Sigmund Freud 322 XXI LOGIC AND THE FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS 329 Frege''s Logic 329 Frege''s Logicism 331 Frege''s Philosophy of Logic 334 Russell''s Paradox 335 Russell''s Theory of Descriptions 337 Logical Analysis 340 XXII CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY 342 Henri Bergson 342 Husserl''s Phenomenology 347 The Existentialism of Heidegger 349 The Existentialism of Sartre and de Beauvoir 351 XXIII THE PHILOSOPHY OF WITTGENSTEIN 356 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 356 Logical Positivism 359 Philosophical Investigations 361 XXIV RECENT CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY 372 The Frankfurt School 372 Jacques Derrida 379 Jurgen Habermas 382 XXV RECENT ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY 388 Elizabeth Anscombe 389 W. V. O. Quine 390 Donald Davidson 393 Peter Geach 394 Peter Strawson 396 American Metaphysics 397 The Cartesian Revival 399 Analytical Ethics 401 John Rawls 405 Richard Rorty 406 Afterword 409 Suggestions for Further Reading 412 Index 421.
An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy, 20th Anniversary Edition