Engaging in Social Partnerships : Democratic Practices for Campus-Community Partnerships
Engaging in Social Partnerships : Democratic Practices for Campus-Community Partnerships
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Author(s): Keith, Novella
Keith, Novella Zett
ISBN No.: 9780415996372
Pages: 254
Year: 201503
Format: UK-B Format Paperback (Trade Paper)
Price: $ 76.64
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (On Demand)

The book is divided into three parts. Part I (3 chapters) sets the context. It introduces the scope of and rationale for the book, ways to think about partnerships, the various contexts that influence partnerships, and some of the inquiry tools we can use to become better partners. Part II (4 chapters) presents and analyzes cases that highlight different aspects of partnerships and issues that need to be addressed in the process of becoming partners. Part III (1 concluding chapter) provides a retrospective look on what has been learned and highlights key issues for ongoing discussion. The book concludes with resources (selected annotated list of books, journals, films, organizations, and websites), bibliography, and index.Part I: 3 chaptersIntroduction: what the book is about and what readers can expect to learn; how the book is organized; how to use it.Part One: Talking, Thinking and Learning in Partnerships (3 chapters)Chapter 1.

Talking about partnerships: common discoursesIt is not self-evident what partnerships mean, why they are called into being, and how they can work best. The chapter presents three common ways to talk about partnerships ("partnership discourses"): to create flexible organizational structures that maximize effectiveness in complex, competitive, and fast-changing environments (the neo-liberal discourse); to share (scarce) resources in order to improve products or services (the efficiency discourse); to bring together parties in order to create a common ground as the basis for pursuing common goals (the community discourse). I illustrate these discourses through mini-case studies and examples and also discuss their assumptions and the contexts for their development (historical, socio-political, institutional and interpersonal). Generally, these discourses do not address partnerships in terms of their democratic and ethical possibilities.Chapter 2. Talking about partnerships: uncommon discoursesThis chapter presents three alternative discourses that are more closely aligned with the democratic and ethical possibilities in partnerships. The civic engagement discourse sees partners as citizens taking responsibility for the commons by working together on social, public, or community issues. The discourse of democratic community is about working together to create human communities where differences are voiced and respected.

Finally, the community organizing discourse reminds us that partnerships are not a given and that we must consider those instances when subaltern would-be partners need to struggle in order to gain a place at the table. As with chapter 1, mini-cases studies and examples illustrate and ground the discussion of these partnerships and their contexts. The chapter highlights key concepts and practices whose applications would lead partnerships in democratic and ethical directions.Chapter 3. Thinking in partnershipsHere I present approaches that can help students and other practitioners practice in partnership and become partners. These include understanding self and others, critical reflection (which involves skills of observation and analysis and informed ethical action), organizational analysis, and field-based data collection. The chapter focuses specifically on key concepts that serve as lynchpins for reflection, analysis, and action, including power, otherness/difference, communication across difference, voice, social justice, capacities, limits and possibilities in historical moments and in organizations, and ethical action. These are illustrated by reference to the previous two chapters.

Part Two: Becoming partners: Knowledge into action (4 chapters)Each chapter in Part II centers on one major concept and related concepts, which are discussed in the context of the partnership discourses introduced in Part I. The major concepts are power, commun.

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