Preface: Keeping the Republic Introduction: Civic Education, Devalued Part I: Making the Case 1. The Democratic Purpose of Education: From the Founders to Horace Mann to Today 2. Safeguarding American Exceptionalism: An Uninformed Citizenry Risks Ceding Excessive Power to Government 3.The Right to Know Your Rights: Civic Literacy, the Miranda Warnings, and Me 4. My Immigrant Tale: Assimilation and the Road to Success Part II: From the White House to the Statehouse--Policymakers' Lessons Learned 5. Civic Nation: My White House Mission After 9/11 6. Civic Literacy and No Child Left Behind: A Lesson in the Limits of Government Power 7. A Failure of Leadership: The Duty of Politicians and Universities to Salvage Citizenship 8.
Forgetting MLK's Dream: How Politics Threatens America's Civil Rights Memory 9. Revolutionary Ignorance: What Do Americans Know of the Original Tea Party? 10. Core Curriculum: How to Tackle General Illiteracy and Civic Illiteracy at the Same Time Part III: In the Classroom--What Works, What Doesn't 11. Fighting Civic Malpractice: How a Harlem Charter School Network Closes the Civic Achievement Gap 12. The KIPP Approach: Be the Change You Wish to See in the World 13.The Wisdom of 20,000 Teachers: Strengthen State Requirements, Stop Marginalizing the Founders 14. Teaching Political Sophistication: On Self-Interest and the Common Good Part IV: Among the Ivory Towers--Fighting Civic Neglect in Higher Education 15.Good History and Good Citizens: Howard Zinn, Woodrow Wilson, and the Historian's Purpose 16.
Talk is Cheap: The University and the National Project, A History 17.Don't Believe the Hype: Young Voters Are Still Disengaged, and Universities Have Few Incentives to Fix It 18. Donor Intent: Strategic Philanthropy and Civic Education on Campus Part V: A Vision for the Twenty-First Century 19. After the Digital Explosion: Education and the Threat to Civil Liberties in the Internet Age 20. How School Choice Enhances Civic Health: Vouchers and Informed Politics 21. Education vs. Indoctrination: What Separates Sound Policy from State Overreach? 22. Letter to President Obama: A Policy Approach for the Federal Government.