Sexual Reflections: A Workbook for Designing and Celebrating Your Sexual Health Plan, (Client Edition) by Alexandra Katehakis, Ph.D., helps you uncover and embrace your unique, optimal sexuality. Carefully researched, designed, and clinically tested, the Workbook gives you a powerful new program to achieve your authentic sexual expression. Meant to be used with your therapist, this cutting-edge body/mind Workbook assists you in attaining personally satisfying and sustainable, healthy sexual experiences that fully align with your own ethical and erotic values. Prepare for some "Aha!" moments as the Sexual Reflections: A Workbook engages you and your therapist in unblinkingly honest, individually-tailored exercises and conversations. This sex-positive guide celebrates and strengthens your unique healthy emotional and erotic intimacy with a partner. The Workbook begins with concrete actions supporting abstinence from sexual behaviors that destroy relationships (such as infidelity) or compromise integrity (such as sexual compulsivity).
Having a healthy, satisfying, and therefore sustainable sex life takes a lot more than abstention from problematic sex. Constructing a positive sexuality starts with understanding all aspects of your sexuality -- physical, emotional, cognitive, interpersonal-intrapsychic, and spiritual-and is most objectively done in tandem with your therapist. The Workbook's sections lead you step by step through each of these aspects by presenting thought-provoking questions and emotionally evocative art, by inviting your responses with your own words and images, and by processing your reflections in the next session.Forthright and compassionate, Workbook sections first explore your awareness of your sexual responses, your ability to name and track bodily impulses, and your capacity to trust those impulses as a personal guide to what feels sexually right or wrong to you. Later sections consider how well you maintain healthy boundaries with a lover, how comfortably you can discuss preferred sexual experiences with appropriate others and how your spiritual beliefs might bring joy and meaning, rather than shame or guilt, to your sexual life. Weekly "homework assignments" and processing sessions cover the section topics and help you confirm which sexual acts are okay, not okay, or perfect for you through your bodily-based emotions. This tailored-to-you mind/body process hones your inner reflections, so you and your therapist can help you identify and live your unique, genuine-and thus genuinely sustainable--Sexual Health Plan. Sexual Reflections: A Workbook puts your sex life in your hands as your new skill of tracking your bodily activation guides you to your personal truth.
Weekly homework assignments assist you in bridging the gap between what you think fits you sexually versus what your bodily-based emotions telegraph to you about specific sexual acts. Together, your mind and body help you create your Sexual Health Plan that integrates and expresses both your ethical and your erotic values. Sexual Reflections: A Workbook for Designing and Celebrating Your Sexual Health Plan, Client Edition: * Encourages you to reflect on your physical self, thoughts, emotions, personal and sexual values, preferred sex acts, dating and relationship concerns, and spirituality-all to guide you toward a tailored understanding of your sexuality.* Gives you accessible techniques to track bodily and emotional activation. This personal barometer will help you to distinguish sexual arousal from sexual shame or trauma repetition, and to discover your own sexual truth. * Presents art and creative writing to access memory and activate healing and hope.* Guides you in defining an individualized, joyous, and thus sustainable Sexual Health Plan that supports your genuine erotic and ethical values.