"The third installment of the Making of America series, Abraham Lincoln, tells of one of our most beloved presidents. Born in a cabin deep in the backwoods of Kentucky, growing up in a family considered "the poorest of the poor," Lincoln rose to become the sixteenth president of the United States. As president, he guided the United States through the Civil War, helped end slavery in America, and strengthened the federal government. Unlike other biographies, the Making of America series goes beyond individual narratives linking influential figures to create an overarching story of America's growth. The first three books in the series, read together, tell the story of American constitutional history from the founding of the nation through the end of the Civil War. The stories can also be read on their own and are the perfect way to get young readers excited about American history. The book includes selections of Lincoln's writing, a bibliography, and an index."--"The third installment of the Making of America series, Abraham Lincoln follows our most popular president.
Even though he grew up on the frontier without a formal education, Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) worked his way up in the government. He was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives, then to the U.S. House of Representatives, and then became the 16th president of the United States. During his short time as president, he led the United States through the Civil War, brought about the emancipation of slaves, and strengthened the federal government. Unlike other biographical works, the Making of America series goes beyond individual narratives and links influential figures to create an overarching story of America's growth. The stories can also be read on their own and are the perfect way to get young readers excited about American history. The book includes a bibliography and index"--.