Praise for Village of the Ghost Bears "Jones delivers a finely laddered plot . but the real fun, as always, lies in the dozens of mini-lessons he gives on hardscrabble Alaskan life." -- Entertainment Weekly "You can't fake the stuff Stan Jones pulls off in Village of the Ghost Bears . A writer of muscular words and stark images, Jones sets up his scenes like film shots." -- The New York Times Book Review "In the fourth book of this enchanting series set in Alaska . [Jones has] created a richly populated universe you'll be sorry to leave." -- People "Chilling . Fascinating.
" -- USA Today "Fans of Tony Hillerman's Jim Chee novels will appreciate the direct, wistful storytelling style of Stan Jones. And if life in northwest Alaska seems bleak with its poverty and hard cold, the strong bonds connecting Nathan Active to the people he serves and lives with have their own appeal. Most of all, Village of the Ghost Bears is a solid crime story--one good for any armchair detective." -- Sacramento News and Review.