Focused Leadership : Instruction, Learning, and School Improvement
Focused Leadership : Instruction, Learning, and School Improvement
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Author(s): Jones, Roger E.
ISBN No.: 9781475810332
Pages: 108
Year: 201407
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 74.88
Status: Out Of Print

Building level and central office administrators must be both instructional and learning leaders. Instructional leadership means focusing on teacher behaviors that support student learning and helping teachers make good decisions about their own behaviors in the teaching process. Learning leadership focuses on the actual learning itself, how students absorb, process, and retain information. This guide will assist administrators in their quest to be more effective at what they do, not a prescriptive document, but rather a baseline from which to grow. It provides information about the intricacy of the teaching and learning process and how all elements are linked. Readers are encouraged to use the guide as a foundation, as a starting point to expand their own instructional and learning leadership. They should modify the guide, add to it, and personalize it as they challenge themselves to grow. The guide encompasses many components, all of which are important.

It should help administrators to know what to look for during an observation, and, perhaps even more important, topics of conversations to have with teachers. Being a change agent (transformational leader) begins with understanding teaching and learning as well as the ability to generate quality conversations.

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