The second edition of this text contains extensive updates and additions to ensure The Pharmacy Technician: Foundations and Practices remains the most relevant and practical textbook for pharmacy technician education. New! Several new chapters -- have been added, including: Chapter 7, Referencing and Drug Information Resources Chapter 13, Over-the-Counter (OTC) Products The topics of Inventory Management and Insurance and Third Party Billing have been separated into two separate chapters with expanded coverage in each (Chapters 11 and 12) Chapter 22, Business Math Chapter 35, Medication Errors Chapter 36, Workplace Safety and Infection Control New! Discussions of many new important topics -- have been added, such as: New coverage of direct patient care, drug utilization review, medical information systems, medication use review, productivity and workflow management and ringing up customers, plus expanded coverage of packaging and labeling and pharmacy technician responsibilities (Chapter 8) New content on protocol and formularies, tech-check-tech, and pharmacy technician responsibilities (Chapter 9) New information on USP, calibrating devices, incompatibilities, PCAB accreditation and specialized certification (Chapter 14) New procedures on Cleaning a Horizontal Laminar Flow Hood, Cleaning a Vertical Laminar Flow Hood or BSC, Dressing/Garbing Up, Proper Hand Washing, Withdrawing from a Vial, Reconstituting a Powder Vial, and Removing Fluid from an Ampule, as well as information on regulations and guidelines (Chapter 15) Added information on poisoning, cognitive impairment, and elder abuse (Chapter 37) Updated! The text has been thoroughly updated-- to incorporate the latest developments and current issues, including: the qualifications, educational, and continuing education requirements for becoming a pharmacy technician (Chapter 2) updated laws, including addition of the Patient's Bill of Rights, USP, and the Medicaid Tamper Resistant Prescription Pad Law of 2008 (Chapter 4) updated information on healthcare information technology and electronic prescribing (Chapter 10) expanded anatomy and physiology content throughout Unit 4 chapters as appropriate more than 30 new conditions discussed in Unit 4 chapters as appropriate, including prostate cancer, osteoporosis, hyperthyroidism, renal failure, prostatitis, hypotension, pneumonia, and many more. revised, updated, and reorganized tables and lists of pharmaceutical, OTC, and alternative treatments for the various conditions discussed in Unit 4 chapters Updated! Review questions, web challenges, and references and resources-- have been updated throughout the text. New! Videos have been added-- to accompany many of the practice problems and procedures throughout the chapters.
The Pharmacy Technician : Foundations and Practice