The Ultimate Response! is an intriguing but disturbing narrative detailing the existence of a group of dangerous fanatics, vestiges of Adolf Hitler's evil Nazi regime who called themselves The VonKrueger Faction. Their aim was to control and dominate the world by use of some of the most fearful weapons imaginable. Had their terrifying Mitternacht Plan succeeded, mankind as we know it may have ceased to exist. The group may, however, indeed have found an improbable solution to the dilemma of survival in what they considered to be an "out of control" world. Patrick S. Collins single-handedly played the most important role in defeating the faction, and afterward many doubts and fears dogged his mind. His spellbinding story is a carefully documented journal of factual events that began in the fall of 1959 and ended in mid-summer, 1962. After the passing of more than four decades, some of the smaller details had been forgotten, but the most significant elements of his experiences he faithfully related to me, and they have now been dutifully recorded in this book.
Was the drastic action he took at that time to thwart their diabolical plan the right thing for him to have done? I must leave that judgment to you to make after you have read his journal. Patrick Collins will never know what that judgment is because he gave his permission to publish his journal, which he titled The Ultimate Response! only after his death.