"Greg Johnson hopes Heidegger someday 'finds a popularizer with the literary talent and penetrating insight of Alan Watts.' Johnson is being far too modest, for these essays do indeed exhibit a Watts-like combination of clarity, simplicity, and depth. But Johnson is no mere popularizer. He also makes an important contribution to Heidegger scholarship by showing that Heidegger's ethnic nationalism is grounded in his philosophy and that Heidegger's later thought is the template for the European New Right." -Collin Cleary, author of What is a Rune? and Summoning the Gods "All sorts of readers will appreciate Greg Johnson's lively, unpretentious, and accessible presentations of Heidegger's thought. Johnson gives due credit to the best academic commentators on Heidegger. But there is one decisive respect in which Johnson departs from mainstream scholars and proves to be a far superior guide to Heidegger's thought: his bold, open-minded, and honest treatment of all matters related to Heidegger's politics."-Anonymous Heidegger Scholar, from the Foreword "A dangerous mind"-Ronald Beiner, author of Dangerous Minds: Nietzsche, Heidegger, & the Return of the Far Right.
Graduate School with Heidegger