The store is one of the main units in Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Headquarters. The store includes the distribution location, its own tender types, point of sale functionality, income and expense accounts and staff. Additionally, the store can be divided into sections and shelves. Typically, setting up the stores and the headquarters office in the business are the first steps when Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Headquarters is being set up.0. OVERVIEW STORE MANAGEMENT PROCESS IN DYNAMICS AX RETAILS1.0 POINT OF SALE1.1 Processing Sales1.
2 Suspend Sale1.3 Cancel Sale1.4 Returns (Cross Channel)1.5 Regular Returns1.6 Payment Processing1.7 Order Pickup1.8 Reservations1.9 Deposits2.
0 CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT2.1 Create customer2.2 Maintain Customers2.3 Customer Rebate Processing3.0 LOYALTY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT4.0 TENDER MANAGEMENT4.1 Coupons4.2 Store Credits4.
3 Gift Cards5.0 WEBSHOP5.1 Sales Order Management5.2 Complaints and Returns6.0 CATALOG SALES6.1 Sales Order Management6.2 Catalog Management6.3 Price Management6.
4 Complaints and Returns7.0 LOGGING ON AND OFF7.1 Security Setup7.2 Access rights.