Dynamics AX allows users to centrally manage their assortment, including creation, scheduling, tracking, and using n-level deep item hierarchies and category management. Workspaces can help improve the efficiency and productivity of workers as they perform merchandising operations by letting them centrally manage the tasks and actions that are related to their merchandising roleCONTENTS:0. OVERVIEW OF MERCHANDIZE MANAGEMENT FOR DYNAMICS AX RETAILS 1. ITEM MANAGEMENT1.1. New Item Setup1.2 Item Maintenance1.3 Item Mass Maintenace1.
4 Product Lifecycle Management1.5 Packaging Waste Management2. ASSORTMENT PLANNING2.1 Assortment Plan2.2 Category Management2.3 Sales Analysis and Forecasting2.4 Purchase Plan2.5 Price and Cost Structure3.
PRICING RETAIL3.1 Price Planning3.2 Price Optimization3.3 Price Management3.4 Price Mass Management4. DEMAND FORECASTING4.1 Collect Data and Cleansing4.2 Modeling4.
3 Forecasting5. PROMOTIONS5.1 Promotion Planning5.2 Promotion Optimization5.3 Promotion Management and Execution6. MARKDOWN MANAGEMENT6.1 Markdown Planning6.2 Markdown Optimization6.
3 Markdown Management7. OPERATIONAL BUYING7.1 Order Reciept and Validation7.2 Open to Buy7.3 Purchase Order Processing8. REPLENISHMENT AND ALLOCATION8.1 Requirement Planning8.2 Store Replenishment8.
3 Consumption Management8.4 Store Allocation.