Effective Medium-term Planning for Teachers
Effective Medium-term Planning for Teachers
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Author(s): Jerome, Lee
ISBN No.: 9781473916920
Pages: 216
Year: 201501
Format: E-Book
E-Book Format Price
DRM PDF $ 29.83

Effective medium-term planning is the ';holy grail' of planning. Once teachers are able to conceptualise learning over a longer period of time, they are empowered to achieve outstanding learning as part of their everyday teaching. This book explains why medium term plans are important and how to go about constructing them.Key coverage includes: Practical guidance to support teachers to build their own effective medium-term plans Examples of planning in action, exploring key principles that can be applied to your own practice Theoretical and practical justifications for the importance of medium-term planning Exploration of the links between raising attainment and effective medium-term planningThis is essential reading for initial teacher education students on university-based and school-based courses preparing to teach in primary and secondary education, and early career teachers seeking to continue their professional learning.

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