Steven Jay Schneider, one of the true connoisseurs of movie horror, has written, talked, taught and published extensively on all aspects of film, from aesthetics and psychoanalysis to the joys of the slasher flick. Here he has brought together more than 50 of the finest writers, reviewers, critics, professors, aficionados and filmmakers from around the globe. From Le Monde's Jean-Michel Frodon in Paris to Undercurrent's Chris Fujiwara in Tokyo, the team compromises the best that film writing has to offer and includes contributors to Empire, Sight & Sound, Time Out, Rolling Stone, the New York Times, Total Film, International Film Guide, LA Weekly, CineAction, Film Quarterly, NME, the Washington Post, Filmmaker, Moviemaker and many more.
1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die : Updated For 2021