In the past 12 months, there has been an explosion of interest in flying outdoor sized quadcopter and other multi-rotor machines - driven by the introduction of a number of excellent ready to fly aircraft and the diminishing cost of parts and kits for DIY builders as well. The majority of information available is aimed at the American market, where the hobby is slightly more mature and the opportunities for flying somewhat greater, and also for the DIY community, where kits and individual components are readily available to construct a good quality aircraft - provided you have the skills! This book is therefore aimed at the UK hobby flyer and concentrates predominantly on the ready to fly (RTF) machines available in the 1.5-2.5Kg medium lift category. This book aims to be a primer to those wanting to get started in the hobby, providing information regarding purchasing the right aircraft, basic flying techniques and aerial photography tips using GoPro cameras. Although written with UK based owners in mind from a legislative perspective, all other information will be of interest to prospective multi-rotor pilots around the world.
Starting Out with Quadcopters : A Guide to Buying and Flying DJi Phantom, Blade 350QX and Walkera QR X350 Ready to Fly Quadcopters