An Introduction to Intercultural Communication : Identities in a Global Community
An Introduction to Intercultural Communication : Identities in a Global Community
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Author(s): Jandt, Fred E.
ISBN No.: 9781412970105
Pages: 440
Year: 200906
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 115.92
Status: Out Of Print

Packed with thought-provoking examples, photos, vignettes, quotes, cases, and stories that spark students' interest and challenge them to reassess existing viewpoints, the Sixth Edition of An Introduction to Intercultural Communication prepares today's readers to successfully navigate our increasingly global community. Using a historical framework that places current topics in context, author Fred E. Jandt integrates media as a variable in advancing issues and ideas, offers full chapter on women, family, and children and retains his non-biased presentation of all cultures and ethnic groups. New and Continuing Features: An environment-focused box in each chapter discusses how the environment relates to the book's intercultural communication topics. Focus on Theory boxes ground the practical material in communication and social theory. Coverage of immigration has been expanded to reflect current developments. Domestic and global examples have been updated throughout. New and expanded Photo Essays illustrate the main concepts of the text, bringing key points to life for the reader.

Also Available: A NEW companion Web site can be found at The password-protected Instructor site features thoughtful test questions, engaging student activities, sample syllabi, and PowerPoint presentations. The free Student site features Web activities and resources, study quizzes, e-Flashcards, and SAGE journal articles. An accompanying reader, Intercultural Communication: A Global Reader (SAGE, 2004; ISBN: 0-7619-2899-5), is also available and can be used alone or in conjunction with this text. The readings support the major concepts of cultural values, language, identities, peace, and globalization that are presented in this vital book. Bundle Options - Explore discounted bundles available with this text.

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