BUNDLE: Jandt: an Introduction to Intercultural Communication 7e + Kurylo: Inter/Cultural Communication
BUNDLE: Jandt: an Introduction to Intercultural Communication 7e + Kurylo: Inter/Cultural Communication
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Author(s): Jandt, Fred E.
ISBN No.: 9781452270623
Year: 201208
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 209.76
Status: Out Of Print

We offer these texts bundled together at a discount for your students. Jandt - An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global Community is Filled with thought-provoking examples, photos, quotes, cases, and stories that spark students interest and challenge them to reconsider existing viewpoints, the Seventh Edition of An Introduction to Intercultural Communication prepares todays readers to successfully navigate our increasingly global community. Using a historical framework that places current topics in context, author Fred E. Jandt integrates media as a variable in advancing issues and ideas, offers a full chapter on women and family, and retains his non-biased presentation of all cultures and ethnic groups. Extremely relevant, this Seventh Edition includes a new focus on social media as well as new challenges evident in ethnic and religious conflict, the role of women, and technology.Kurylo- Inter/Cultural Communication: Representation and Construction of CultureToday, undergraduate students are more familiar with others cultures than ever before because of the media, Internet, local diversity, and their own travels abroad. As such, traditional intercultural communication textbooks which focus solely on the differences approach arent truly effective for todays students, nor for this areas growth. By including a social constructionist approach - which explores how culture is constructed and produced in the moments in which it is experienced - Inter/Cultural Communication: Representation and Construction of Culture in Everyday Interaction provides todays undergraduate students with a fuller understanding of how culture and communication affect and effect each other.

Inter/Cultural Communication improves upon current textbooks in four significant ways: (1) provides a differences approach and a social constructionist approach; (2) explores the consequences of cultural moments on immediate communication and on larger scale social issues; (3) is descriptive, not prescriptive, of how culture is communicated; and (4) introduces intercultural topics, rather than interpersonal topics, to undergraduate students. Please contact your Sales Representative for more information.

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