The Black Imagination : Science Fiction, Futurism and the Speculative
The Black Imagination : Science Fiction, Futurism and the Speculative
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Author(s): Jackson, Sandra
ISBN No.: 9781433112423
Pages: 234
Year: 201104
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 175.81
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Contents: Sandra Jackson/Julie Moody-Freeman: Introduction. The Black Imagination and the Genres: Science Fiction, Futurism and the Speculative - Madhu Dubey: The Future of Race in Afro-Futurist Fiction - Adilifu Nama: Brave Black Worlds: Black Superheroes as Science Fiction Ciphers - Micheal Charles Pounds: «Explorers» - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Alisa K. Braithwaite: Connecting to a Future Community: Storytelling, the Database, and Nalo Hopkinson's Midnight Robber - Shannon Gibney: Science Fiction, Feminism and Blackness: The Multifaceted Import of Octavia Butler's Work - Amie Breeze Harper: The Absence of Meat in Oankali Dietary Philosophy: An Eco-Feminist-Vegan Analysis of Octavia Butler's Dawn - Alexis Pauline Gumbs: Speculative Poetics: Audre Lorde as Prologue for Queer Black Futurism - Marie-Luise Loeffler: «Why white people feel they got to mark us?»: Bodily Inscription, Healing and Maternal «Plots of Power» in Jewelle Gomez's «Louisiana1850» - Brandon Kempner: The Unshakable Intent to Commit Genocide : Walter Mosely's The Wave , 9/11 and Politics out of Context - Debbie Olson: Techno-Utopia and the Search for Saaraba (1989) - Stepahnie Larrieux: Towards a Black Science Fiction Cinema: The Slippery Signifier of Race and the Films of Will Smith.

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