The Sushi Economy : Globalization and the Making of a Modern Delicacy
The Sushi Economy : Globalization and the Making of a Modern Delicacy
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Author(s): Issenberg, Sasha
ISBN No.: 9781592403639
Pages: 352
Year: 200804
Format: UK-B Format Paperback (Trade Paper)
Price: $ 22.08
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1896 edition. Excerpt: .It is another evidence of the progressive degeneration of the highest moral ideals of our times. if X--I It is a fact that of all the appointments that have been made to positions in the federal 1'- ill olistic and crime breeding forces that are sappingv the foundation of this Republic and fastening the chains of slavery upon the people.

There is a deep significance in this fact, when we consider the immense power for either good or evil that our federal judiciary is constitutionally endowed with. Our federal judges have the power conferred upon them to so construe our laws as to practically decide whether or not this shall be a free government. To this judicial power is entrusted the liberties of the people. How this power has been wielded for the practical destruction of those liberties within the past few years it is unnecessary to point out. The question is: How did it come that, at the formation of our government. our forefathers did not institute efli: ient constitutional safeguards against the growth of such a judicial despotism as we are now sufiering from? They certainly did not lack experience of what the scheme they actually did establish would eventually come to. The history of England furnished them with many examples of what they might expect from such a judicial scheme as they established. Even Lord Bacon, one of the greatest intellects the world has ever known.

was a venal judge; and they might have culled examples of the dishonesty and unfairness of judges from the history of every country in Europe. More than three hundred years ago Montaigne found occasion to say: "Would to God that. for the sake of justice, our courts of judicature were as well furnished with understanding and conscience as they.

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