Modern Chapter Organization To provide continuity with electric circuit theory, transmission lines are covered first. Fundamental subject material is then covered in a logical order, following the historical development of human understanding of electromagnetic phenomena. So that the physical laws are easily understood and accepted, the fundamental laws are based on experimental observations and on physical grounds, including brief discussions of the precision of the fundamental experiments. Once the complete set of fundamental laws is established, their most profound implications are discussed: the propagation of electromagnetic waves. NEW! Two new sections on increasingly relevant modern topics are introduced: Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and Metamaterials. Emphasis on Physical Understanding Students will gain a clear understanding and a firm grasp of the basic principles so that they can understand, formulate, and interpret the results of complex practical problems. To empower the reader with more than just a working knowledge of a dry set of vector relations and formulas stated axiomatically, this text maintains a constant link with established as well as new and emerging applications, while at the same time emphasizing fundamental physical insight and solid understanding of basic principles. Rigorous analyses are supplemented with extensive discussions of the experimental bases of the laws, of the microscopic versus macroscopic concepts of electromagnetic fields and their behavior in material media, and of the physical nature of the electromagnetic fields and waves, often from alternative points of view.
Description of the electrical and magnetic properties of material media at a sufficiently simple, yet accurate manner at the introductory electromagnetics level has always been a challenge. Therefore, the authors distill the essentials of physically-based treatments available in physics texts, providing quantitative physical insight into microscopic behavior of materials and the representation of this behavior in terms of macroscopic parameters. Difficult three-dimensional vector differential and integral concepts are discussed when they are encountered-again, with the emphasis being on physical insight. Detailed Examples, Selected Application Examples, and Abundant Illustrations Over 190 illustrative examples are detailed over eleven chapters, with five of the chapters having at least 20 examples each. Each example is presented with an abbreviated topical title, a clear problem statement, and a detailed solution. In recognition of the importance of visualization in the reader''s understanding, especially in view of the three-dimensional nature of electromagnetic fields, over 500 diagrams, graphs, and illustrations appear throughout the book. Numerous End-of-chapter Problems, Emphasizing Selected Practical Applications Each chapter is concluded with a variety of homework problems to allow the students to test their understanding of the material covered in the chapter, with a total of over 400 exercise problems spread over eleven chapters. NEW! Over 100 of these problems are new to the second edition or have been modified from the first edition.
The topical content of each problem is clearly identified in an abbreviated title. Many problems explore interesting applications, and most chapters include several practical "real-life" problems to motivate students. Historical Notes on the Great Scientific Pioneers To bring about a better appreciation of the complex physical concepts as well as to keep the reader interested, outstanding examples of pioneering scientists and development of scientific thought are referenced throughout the text. Emphasis on Clarity without Sacrificing Rigor and Completeness This textbook presents the material at a simple enough level to be readable by undergraduate students, but it is also rigorous in providing references and footnotes for in-depth analyses of selected concepts and applications. This text provides the students with a taste of rigor and completeness at the level of classical reference texts-combined with a level of physical insight that was so well exemplified in some very old texts-while still maintaining the necessary level of organization and presentation clarity required for a modern textbook. A rigorous and in-depth exposure to a diverse range of applications of electromagnetics, in the body of the text, in examples, and in end-of-chapter problems, is provided. Hundreds of Footnotes Providing Physical Insight, Leads for Further Reading, and Discussion of Subtle and Interesting Concepts and Applications Over 550 footnotes are spread over 11 chapters. These footnotes do not interrupt the flow of ideas and the development of the main topics, but they provide an unusual degree of completeness for a textbook at this level, with interesting and sometimes thought-provoking content to make the subject more appealing and satisfying.