Teaching English Language 16-19 : A Comprehensive Guide for Teachers of AS and A Level English Language
Teaching English Language 16-19 : A Comprehensive Guide for Teachers of AS and A Level English Language
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Author(s): Illingworth, Martin
ISBN No.: 9781138579941
Pages: 158
Year: 201810
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 205.01
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (On Demand)

This unique guide to teaching English Language empowers teachers to lead a successful course that will encourage students to be independent and analytical linguists. Covering all areas of linguistic investigation across different exam board specifications and rooted in theoretical perspectives, this accessible text is underpinned by years of teaching experience and is full of practical ideas for classroom activities. Now in its second edition, this bestselling title has been fully updated to consider changes to English Language A level, including a new chapter on unseen texts and writing for the exams. Additional material includes a greater focus on accent and dialect, language acquisition, and language and the media, including discussions of ¿post-truth¿ and ¿alternative facts¿. The authors outline frameworks of linguistic analysis and provide clear guidance on how to approach different topics. Chapters are full of interesting extracts for textual analysis and ideas to give students a varied diet of written and spoken texts in different genres. Teaching English Language 16-19 will be invaluable reading for trainee teachers and practising teachers new to the teaching of English Language, as well as more experienced teachers wishing to refresh their knowledge and practice.

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