Teaching English Language 16-19 : A Comprehensive Guide for Teachers of AS/A2 Level English Language
Teaching English Language 16-19 : A Comprehensive Guide for Teachers of AS/A2 Level English Language
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Author(s): Illingworth, Martin
ISBN No.: 9780415528245
Pages: 144
Year: 201209
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 196.10
Status: Out Of Print

This uniquely structured and practical resource book will empower teachers new to the study of language to feel confident about leading a stimulating and successful course. Covering all areas of linguistic investigation across the different exam board specifications, this accessible text rooted in theoretical perspectives is underpinned by years of teaching experience and is rich with practical classroom activities. Each of the sections included in this book is either an examined area of study from the AS and A2 specifications or deals with the supporting frameworks of linguistic analysis, and is helpfully split into two parts: An overview of how to teach that area of study, and a discussion of the appropriate level of knowledge that students will require; Individual lesson ideas and plans, with resources provided throughout. Teaching English Language 16 - 19 opens with a brief introductory section that outlines the reasoning behind taking an investigative approach to the study of language. A sequence of suggested lesson ideas for the opening lessons of a typical course, amounting to some eight lessons with homework research and discussion preparation tasks, is also included. Students on initial teacher education courses, as well as practising teachers undertaking the teaching of language for the first time, will welcome this highly practical resource. ;P> Teaching English Language 16 - 19 opens with a brief introductory section that outlines the reasoning behind taking an investigative approach to the study of language. A sequence of suggested lesson ideas for the opening lessons of a typical course, amounting to some eight lessons with homework research and discussion preparation tasks, is also included.

Students on initial teacher education courses, as well as practising teachers undertaking the teaching of language for the first time, will welcome this highly practical resource.

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