Engaging decodable stories fully aligned to Letters and Sounds enable your pupils to practice their phonics skills with their favourite characters.Written by Roderick Hunt MBE and illustrated by Alex Brychta, award-winning creators of the Oxford Reading Tree. Six engaging stories at Stage 4 provide focused practice of phonics at Letters and Sounds Phase 4.Each pack of 6 books, or class pack of 36 books, includes a Group/Guided Reading Notes booklet with a Vocabulary Chart listing high frequency decodable and tricky words and a Curriculum Coverage Chart for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Each book has individual notes and suggested activities for group/guided reading, independent reading, speaking and listening and writing.There are 6 Floppy's Phonics Fiction titles available at Stage 4: Crab Dragon: The children make a Crab Dragon from junk. Will it win the Dragon Drag?No Tricks, Gran! The children see a spook. Is it one of Gran's tricks?The Lost Chimp: When Kipper falls asleep, he dreams that little Imp is lost.
Green Planet Kids: Can the Green Planet Kids clear the junk from Toadstool Wood?Painting the Loft: The children paint Gran's loft green, pink and black.Crunch! Gran's car has a crash!.