Introduction Part 1: Background of China's Rising 1. Quantitative Assessment of China's Power of Economic and Science & technology (1980~2005) 2. Quantitative Assessment of China's Power in Science and Technology (1980~2004) 3. Five Major Scale Effects of China's Rise 4. How Does China Narrow Its Relative Gap in GDP with the United States Part 2: China and World 5. China's Long-term Growth Prospects and How Its Rising Affects the Asian and Global Economy 6. Sino-US and Sino-Japanese Relations In the Process of Economic Integration 7. Tentative Evaluation of China's Accession to WTO: Impact on World Trade Growth Pattern (2000-2005) 8.
The Rise of China and Opening Up: From a World Class Big Opening Power to a World Class Strong Opening Power 9. China's Competitiveness: Present and Future Part 3: Economic Growth and Social Development 10. On Sustainability of China's Economic Growth 11. Evolution of Regional Pattern and Disparities of China's Human Development (1982-2003) 12. Develop Human Resources to Cope with Aging Society 13. Poverty of Knowledge: New Poverty in the New Century 14. The Emergence of Informal Sector and the Development of Informal Economy in China's Transition: A Historical Perspective 15. China's 11th Five-Year Program: Strategies and Implication Part 4: Industry and Development 16.
China's Catching-Up in Media Penetration Level 17. Trajectory of China's Iron and Steel Industry.