Dispute Settlement for ASEAN Businesses under the Belt and Road Initiative : New Possibilities and Directions
Dispute Settlement for ASEAN Businesses under the Belt and Road Initiative : New Possibilities and Directions
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Author(s): Hsu, Locknie
ISBN No.: 9781803922683
Pages: 196
Year: 202212
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 145.65
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

"This forward-looking book examines dispute resolution issues in the context of Belt and Road Initiative dealings between parties in ASEAN member States, China and other trade partners. It discusses a range of commercial dispute issues and economic agreements including free trade agreements and investment agreements, both bilateral and regional. Locknie Hsu presents research on dispute settlement options and emerging issues for ASEAN businesses relating to projects and transactions undertaken in relation to the Belt and Road Initiative. She translates these options and issues into opportunities in economic treaty negotiations, utilization of national and regional dispute settlement institutions and better handling of emerging issues (such as environment-related claims and technology applications in dispute resolution) and in legal capacity-building in ASEAN. The book explores findings from academic research, empirical information, selected Case Studies (on environmental and other claims in ASEAN and beyond) and salient legal and technological developments, to provide insights and lessons that make this original book a rich and useful legal and research resource. This books recommendations will provide food for thought for policy-makers and treaty negotiators who are considering new possibilities and directions to make dispute settlement a better and more fruitful experience in ASEAN. It will also be of interest to practitioners, scholars and students of commercial law, international trade law and dispute resolution, particularly in an Asian context"--.

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