The iconic "American dream" is a vision that many immigrants carry when moving to the United States. They come with the hope of better opportunities for prosperity and success, and a better life for their family, and in particular, their children. As the name suggests, the first step to achieving the "American dream" is to, well, dream!; and when I say dream, I mean dream BIG! Of course it's important to be grateful for whatever this country has provided you so far, but in no way should you feel indebted such that you believe you don't have the right to attain even more and make your mark on society. Remember, America highly values freedom, individualism, and ambition, so don't let anything hold you back from achieving all the things you want in life. This book is designed to help you along the path of achieving your "American dream." From dressing the part, to making your resume stand out from the others, to maintaining close ties with friends and family from your homeland, I've got you covered. So if you're ready to live a life that's even better than what you imagined when you moved here, then grab this book and let's get started!.
How to Make It in America : A Guide to Achieving the American Dream after Immigration to America