QFT STANDARD SYMBOLS & TERMINOLOGY INTRODUCTION Introduction The Engineering Control Problem Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) Control Theory Background Definitions and Symbols QFT Applications Outline of Text INTRODUCTION TO QFT Quantitative Feedback Theory Why Feedback? QFT Overview Insight to the QFT Technique Benefits of QFT Summary THE MISO ANALOG CONTROL SYSTEM Introduction The QFT Method (Single-Loop MISO System) Design Procedure Outline Minimum-phase System Performance Specifications J LTI Plant Models Plant Templates of P?(s), IP(j?i) Nominal Plant U-Contour (Stability Bound) Tracking Bounds BR(j?i) on the NC Disturbance Bounds BD(j?i): Case 1 Disturbance Bounds BD(j?i): Case 2 The Composite Boundary Bo(j?i) Shaping of Lo(j?) Guidelines for Shaping Lo(j?) Design of the Pre-filter Basic Design Procedure for a MISO System Design Example 1 Design Example 2 Template Generation for Unstable Plants Summary DISCRETE QUANTITATIVE FEEDBACK TECHNIQUE Introduction Bilinear Transformation Non-Minimum Phase Analog Plant Discrete MISO Module with Plant Uncertainty QFT w-Domain DIG Design Simulation Basic Design Procedure for a MISO Sampled-Data Control System QFT Technique Applied to the Pseudo-Continuous-Time (PCT) System Applicability of Design Technique to Other Plants Designing L(w) Directly Summary MULTIPLE-INPUT MULTIPLE-OUTPUT (MIMO) PLANTS: STRUCTURED PLANT PARAMETER UNCERTAINTY Introduction The MIMO Plant Introduction to MIMO Compensation MIMO Compensation Introduction to MISO Equivalents Effective MISO Loops of the MIMO System Constraints on the Plant Matrix Basically Non-Interacting (BNIC) Loops Summary DESIGN METHOD 1: THE SINGLE-LOOP (MISO) EQUIVALENTS Introduction Design Example High Frequency Range Analysis Stability Analysis Equilibrium and Trade-Offs Templates: Special Case Summary MIMO SYSTEM DESIGN METHOD 2: MODIFIED SINGLE-LOOP EQUIVALENTS Introduction Design Equations for the 2x2 System Design Guidelines Reduced Over-Design 3x3 Design Equations Example: 3x3 System Design Equations mxm System: m >3 Conditions for Existence of a Solution Non-Diagonal G Achievability of a m.p. Effective Plant det Pe Summary MIMO SYSTEM WITH EXTERNAL DISTURBANCE INPUTS Introduction MIMO QFT with External (Input) Disturbance An External Disturbance Problem Air-to-Air Refueling FCS Design Concept Plant and Disturbance Matrices Control Problem Approach The QFT Design Air-to-Air Refueling Simulations Tracking/Regulator MIMO System Summary NOW THE "PRACTICING ENGINEER TAKES OVER" Introduction Transparency of QFT Body of Engineering QFT Knowledge Nonlinearities - The Engineering Approach Plant Inversion Invertibility Pseudo-Continuous-Time (PCT) System Bode''s Theorem The Control Design Process Summary QUANTITATIVE NON-DIAGONAL COMPENSATOR DESIGN FOR MIMO SYSTEMS Introduction The Coupling Matrix The Coupling Elements The Optimum Non-Diagonal Compensator The Coupling Effects Quality Function of the Designed Compensator Design Methodology Some Practical Issues Example: Non-Diagonal MIMO QFT Compensator Design for Tracking Specifications in a SCARA Robot Other Methods Summary THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS FOR A ROBUST CONTROL SYSTEM Introduction Control System Design Process Design Process Example Selection of Design Envelope Control System Implementation Issues Hardware/Software Consideration Bending Modes Summary TIME DELAY SYSTEMS WITH UNCERTAINTY: QFT DESIGN INVOLVING SMITH PREDICTOR Introduction Methodology of Design A Synthesis Example Application to a HTST Pasteurization Plant Summary QFT DESIGN TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO REAL-WORLD INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS Introduction QFT Based Control of a Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant QFT Based Control of a Variable-Speed Direct-Drive Multi-Pole Synchronous Wind Turbine: TWT1650 Summary WEIGHTING MATRICES AND CONTROL AUTHORITY Introduction Fixed Weighting Matrices Variable Weighting Matrices Summary APPENDICES Appendix A: Template Generation Appendix B: Inequalities Bounds Expressions Appendix C: MIMO QFT CAD Package Appendix D: TOTAL-PC CAD Package Appendix E: TOTAL-PC: Discrete QFT Design Process Appendix F: MISO Design Example Appendix G: Diagonal MIMO Design Example Appendix H: Non-Diagonal MIMO QFT Tracking Design Example Appendix I: Non-Diagonal QFT Disturbance Rejection Design Example Appendix J: Elements for Loop Shaping REFERENCES PROBLEMS ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS INDEXite Boundary Bo(j?i) Shaping of Lo(j?) Guidelines for Shaping Lo(j?) Design of the Pre-filter Basic Design Procedure for a MISO System Design Example 1 Design Example 2 Template Generation for Unstable Plants Summary DISCRETE QUANTITATIVE FEEDBACK TECHNIQUE Introduction Bilinear Transformation Non-Minimum Phase Analog Plant Discrete MISO Module with Plant Uncertainty QFT w-Domain DIG Design Simulation Basic Design Procedure for a MISO Sampled-Data Control System QFT Technique Applied to the Pseudo-Continuous-Time (PCT) System Applicability of Design Technique to Other Plants Designing L(w) Directly Summary MULTIPLE-INPUT MULTIPLE-OUTPUT (MIMO) PLANTS: STRUCTURED PLANT PARAMETER UNCERTAINTY Introduction The MIMO Plant Introduction to MIMO Compensation MIMO Compensation Introduction to MISO Equivalents Effective MISO Loops of the MIMO System Constraints on the Plant Matrix Basically Non-Interacting (BNIC) Loops Summary DESIGN METHOD 1: THE SINGLE-LOOP (MISO) EQUIVALENTS Introduction Design Example High Frequency Range Analysis Stability Analysis Equilibrium and Trade-Offs Templates: Special Case Summary MIMO SYSTEM DESIGN METHOD 2: MODIFIED SINGLE-LOOP EQUIVALENTS Introduction Design Equations for the 2x2 System Design Guidelines Reduced Over-Design 3x3 Design Equations Example: 3x3 System Design Equations mxm System: m >3 Conditions for Existence of a Solution Non-Diagonal G Achievability of a m.p. Effective Plant det Pe Summary MIMO SYSTEM WITH EXTERNAL DISTURBANCE INPUTS Introduction MIMO QFT with External (Input) Disturbance An External Disturbance Problem Air-to-Air Refueling FCS Design Concept Plant and Disturbance Matrices Control Problem Approach The QFT Design Air-to-Air Refueling Simulations Tracking/Regulator MIMO System Summary NOW THE "PRACTICING ENGINEER TAKES OVER" Introduction Transparency of QFT Body of Engineering QFT Knowledge Nonlinearities - The Engineering Approach Plant Inversion Invertibility Pseudo-Continuous-Time (PCT) System Bode''s Theorem The Control Design Process Summary QUANTITATIVE NON-DIAGONAL COMPENSATOR DESIGN FOR MIMO SYSTEMS Introduction The Coupling Matrix The Coupling Elements The Optimum Non-Diagonal Compensator The Coupling Effects Quality Function of the Designed Compensator Design Methodology Some Practical Issues Example: Non-Diagonal MIMO QFT Compensator Design for Tracking Specifications in a SCARA Robot Other Methods Summary THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS FOR A ROBUST CONTROL SYSTEM Introduction Control System Design Process Design Process Example Selection of Design Envelope Control System Implementation Issues Hardware/Software Consideration Bending Modes Summary TIME DELAY SYSTEMS WITH UNCERTAINTY: QFT DESIGN INVOLVING SMITH PREDICTOR Introduction Methodology of Design A Synthesis Example Application to a HTST Pasteurization Plant Summary QFT DESIGN TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO REAL-WORLD INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS Introduction QFT Based Control of a Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant QFT Based Control of a Variable-Speed Direct-Drive Multi-Pole Synchronous Wind Turbine: TWT1650 Summary WEIGHTING MATRICES AND CONTROL AUTHORITY Introduction Fixed Weighting Matrices Variable Weighting Matrices Summary APPENDICES Appendix A: Template Generation Appendix B: Inequalities Bounds Expressions Appendix C: MIMO QFT CAD Package Appendix D: TOTAL-PC CAD Package Appendix E: TOTAL-PC: Discrete QFT Design Process Appendix F: MISO Design Example Appendix G: Diagonal MIMO Design Example Appendix H: Non-Diagonal MIMO QFT Tracking Design Example Appendix I: Non-Diagonal QFT Disturbance Rejection Design Example Appendix J: Elements for Loop Shaping REFERENCES PROBLEMS ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS INDEXmp;lt;BR>MIMO Compensation Introduction to MISO Equival.
Quantitative Feedback Theory : Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition