In the early 1900s polite Chicago society was rocked by terrible scandal as renowned architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, ran off with Mamah Cheney, a client's wife. Abandoning their families and reputations, the lovers fled to Europe and exile. Mamah's actions branded her an unnatural mother and society relished her persecution. For the rest of her life Mamah paid an extraordinary price for moving outside society's rules, in a time that was unforgiving of a woman's quest for fulfilment and personal happiness. Headstrong and honest, her love for Frank was unstoppable. This portrait of her life as his muse and soulmate is a moving, passionate and timeless love story. Nancy Horan is a writer and journalist whose work has appeared in numerous publications. Loving Frank is her first novel.
She lived most of her life in Oak Park, IL - on the same street as the Cheney house - until her recent move to Puget Sound.