Contents: Introduction - Paradigms and Politics: Frameworks:A conceptual model of crime prevention, Paul J. Brantingham and Frederic L. Faust; Preventing crime: what works, what doesn't, what's promising, Lawrence W. Sherman, Denise C. Gottfredson, Doris L. Mackenzie, John Eck, Peter Reuter and Shawn D. Bushaway. Paradigms: The Chicago Area Project - a 25-year assessment, Solomon Kobrin; From delinquency treatment to community development, Alfred J.
Kahn; Crime and criminologists, James Q. Wilson. Activating the Community: Community crime prevention: an analysis of a developing strategy, Dan A. Lewis and Greta Salem; Broken Windows: the police and neighbourhood safety, James Q. Wilson and George Keeling; 2 visions of community crime prevention, Elliott Currie; Neighbourhoods and violent crime: a multilevel study of collective efficacy, Robert J. Sampson, Stephen W. Raudenbusch and Felton Earls. Opportunities and Risks: Social change and crime rate trends: a routine activities approach, Lawrence E.
Cohen and Marcus Felson; Situational crime prevention: theory and practice, R.V.G. Clarke; Revictimization: reducing the heat on hot victims, Ken Pease and Gloria Laycock. Preventing Criminality: Early development prevention of juvenile delinquency, David P. Farrington; What works in preventing criminality, John Graham. Political Programmes: Crime localities and the multi-agency approach, Alice Sampson, Paul Stubbs, David Smith, Geoffrey Pearson and Harry Blagg; Social crime prevention à la Thatcher, Michael King; Crime prevention and the safer cities story, Nicholas Tilley; The 'dream' of multi-agency crime prevention: pitfalls in policy and practice, Reece Walters; Community safety and the quest for security: holding back the dynamics of social exclusion, Adam Crawford. The New Politics of Crime Prevention: The future of policing, David H.
Bailey and Clifford D. Shearing; The local politics of inclusion: the state and community safety, John Pitts and Tim Hope; Communitarianism and law and order, Gordon Hughes; Name index.