How Young Children Perceive Race
How Young Children Perceive Race
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Author(s): Holmes, Robyn M.
ISBN No.: 9780803971080
Pages: 146
Year: 199501
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 158.70
Status: Out Of Print

Handbook of the Psychology of Aging, 7th edition Edited by K. Warner Schaie and Sherry L. Willis Associate editors: Bob G. Knight, Becca Levy, and Denise C. Park The Handbook of the Psychology of Aging, 7e is 100% revised from the 6th edition, with one third of the previous topics covered by new authors and two thirds of entirely new topics. Providing a comprehensive synthesis and review of the latest research findings in the psychology of aging, it is intended as a summary for researchers, and is also suitable as a high level textbook for graduate and upper level undergraduate courses. The 24 chapters are organized into four sections: Part I Concepts, Theory and Methods in the Psychology of Aging; Part II Neuroscience, Cognition and Aging; Part III Social and Health Factors that Impact Aging; and Part IV Complex Behavioral Processes and Psychopathology of Aging. The 7th edition expands coverage of neuropsychology including how structural changes to the brain have cognitive consequences, the neuroplasticity of cognitive function, neuropsychological assessment of dementia, and executive functioning in cognitive aging.

Additional new coverage focuses on other factors affecting psychological aspects of aging including, stress, sense of control, and socioeconomic class, and with new chapters on relationships and communication, and aging in the work context. Contributors to this volume represent the global research community, with contributors from the US, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Australia, Canada, and Switzerland. The Handbook will be of use to researchers and professionals working with an aging community, as well as being suitable as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses on the psychology of aging. About the editors: K. Warner Schaie is Professor Emeritus at Pennsylvania State University and Affiliate Professor at University of Washington. In addition to being the recipient of numerous awards for his work in gerontology, he is a past president of the APA Division of Adult Development and Aging, and author of 300+ journal articles and chapters and 58 books on the psychology of aging. Sherry L. Willis is a Professor at University of Washington.

In addition to being the recipient of numerous awards for her work in gerontology, she has edited 10+ volumes and authored 100+ publications in adult development, and is Past President of Division 20, Adult Development and Aging, American Psychological Association.

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