Introduction to the Ethnographic Method in the Real-World: why choose ethnography?PART ONE: THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONSThe Uses and Limitations of Ethnographic Research Ideal Types: the development of ethnographic approaches in anthropology and their application to the broader social sciences Ethnography in Organisations: Business, Health and Educational Research Project Management: adapting working practices to teams, times, and budgetsResearch EthicsPART TWO: DESIGN AND UNDERTAKE YOUR OWN ETHNOGRAPHIC PROJECTSTerms of Reference (TORs): choosing and designing successful projectsDesign methods: what are your options and constraints?Gathering Data, Corroboration and Integration with the Project Team.Participating and Observing Interviewing: open-ended, in-depth, structured, semi-structured, unstructured, cultural consonance interviews Seeing the Bigger Picture: taking field-notes, making visual records, etc,Beginning Analysis: building your database, organising and sorting your ideasDiscourse Analysis, Decision Analysis and other Treatments of Data for Responsive ResearchTriangulation - correlations and contradictions in the dataPART THREE: PRESENT YOUR FINDINGS AND WRITE YOUR REPORTReport Writing, Responsibilities and Dissemination: who is your audience and what do they need to know?Conclusion and Further Reading: maintain and develop your engagement with ethnographyGlossaryReferencesIndex.
Doing Ethnographic Research : A Practical Guide