Cefn Hoile sculpts open source hardware and software, and helps others do the same. After 10 years of industrial R&D, Cefn founded Shrimping It to help schools and hobbyists source and adopt electronics prototyping materials in the classroom. One of the project's freely-licensed builds, "The Shrimp", is an Arduino-compatible breadboard layout on which the ShrimpKey and Picussion projects in the book are based. Cefn is currently completing a PhD in Digital Innovation at Highwire, University of Lancaster, UK. Clare Bowman enjoys hacking playful interactive installations and designing digitally fabricated consumer projects, exhibiting her work in the UK and abroad. Her background as a collaborator of shrimping.it has lead to an interest in exploring the Maker Movement and the potential therapeutic benefits of Do It Yourself (DIY) assistive technology. She is driven by an interest in supporting individuals discover their own creativity through an occupational therapy perspective.
Sjoerd Dirk Meijer is the maker of ShrimpKey (DIY MakeyMakey) and a Scratch programming educator. He is also interested in (primary) education, giftedness and making/maker ed. He can be found on twitter @fromScratchEd. Brian Corteil has never grown up, and still loves playing with computers, micro electronics, Legos, and video games. His first computers were a ZX80 then a TI-99, and finally an Acorn Electron. He is one of the founding members of Makespace, the place to make, fix, break stuff and meet great people in Cambridge. Lauren Orsini is a technology journalist in Washington, DC. She writes about developer issues, tech education, and DIY hardware hacking for ReadWrite.
Her new book, Otaku Journalism: A Guide To Geek Reporting In The Digital Age, is a new media journalism handbook to navigating Internet-age reporting.