A Message to the Reader: Are you ready to become H.E.R.? Ask yourself, "Am I ready to become H.E.R. through God's power of being Healed, Evolved and Restored?" Becoming H.E.
R. is a personal choice. Essentially, I realized I was ready to become H.E.R because I no longer wanted to settle for being safe or mediocre. I wanted to operate in wholeness with the full hand of God's grace. I chose to become H.E.
R so that my inner beauty could exude with self-confidence. When I chose to become H.E.R., it required me to become vulnerable. I had surrender the shame, rejection, abuse, abortions, low self-esteem, un-forgiveness, daddy issues, and abandonment. It was not easy but it was worth it, and so are you. It would mean the world to me if I could help in process of God re-writing your story.
Today, tomorrow, and all the days to follow will be different for you. This journey is not something that is going to happen overnight and it may not resemble mines or anyone else. It will require you to fight for your freedom, deliverance, healing, and restoration. You will become a powerful force of a woman for your generation. Own your truth (past, present, and future) because it is who you are becoming. It is important that you become the best version of H.E.R that you can become for you.
Discover something deeper within yourself that you never knew existed. Your journey to restoration begins now!.