Foreword SUMMER Trees in Summer Leaf Types What's in a Leaf? Activity: Leaf Rubbing On a Pond Below the Surface Activity: Peek into a Pond Activity: Pond in a Cup Minibeasts Activity: Watching Minibeasts Out and About The Forest at Night Shelters Activity: Build a Shelter AUTUMN Autumn Fruits Danger! Poison! Activity: Berry Painting Seeds Nuts Activity: Nut Collecting Autumn Leaves Activity: Leaf Wreath Activity: Leaf Art Breaking It Down Fungi and Lichen Activity: Spore Prints Migration WINTER A Sleeping Forest Below the Ice Activity: Slowing Down Winter Adaptations Activity: Follow That Animal! Evergreen Trees Down to Earth Activity: Scents of Nature Activity: Bark Rubbing Winter Treasures Activity: Stay Warm! Activity: Steamy Hot Drink SPRING Signs of Spring Budding Branches Common Flowers Activity: Sprouting Seeds Activity: Flower Pressing Rivers, Streams and Creeks Activity: Twig Racing Activity: Build a Dam Animal Tracks Activity: Plaster Casting Activity: Photo Safari Animal Homes New Life Activity: Build a Bird's Nest Activity: Three in a Row Sounds of Spring Notes for Parents and Teachers Index.
Forest Club : A Year of Activities, Crafts, and Exploring Nature