Introduction Jesus, the cross and the kingdom of God are the central truths of God's purposes for his creation and his people. They are also the central truths of revelation from God to his people, in his word, the Bible. Generally we have an understanding of Jesus and the cross, but we have little understanding of the kingdom, for there is little teaching of the kingdom. It is important to realize that we are not considering concepts here for our discussion and understanding, but truth. We can only know the truth as we live in the truth. Therefore in this book I seek to present the truth of the kingdom as presented in God's word, but this presentation must lead us to God and the truth, so that we can live in the truth. the kingdom of God is not about teaching, or understanding, but receiving power and living in the power of the kingdom.It is impossible to present a neat definition of the kingdom of God.
to do so would show a complete misunderstanding of the truth of the kingdom. the kingdom is eternal. It is God's kingdom. the kingdom is both seen and is lived in by faith, in this world. the kingdom is glorious, powerful and majestic revealing the king. Jesus is king. the closest that the Bible comes to defining the kingdom is when Apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians that the kingdom of God is power. If you want to represent the kingdom in one word then that word is power! the kingdom of God is power.
Biblical truth of the kingdom must lead us to God, the Holy Spirit and to power. the kingdom is God is not for idle conjecture, but is the kingdom . of God.the coming of Jesus and his workings of healings, miracles, freeing the demonized and teaching were all a revelation of the kingdom in power. the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross was crucial not only for the salvation of all humanity, should they repent, but also for the coming kingdom. Jesus ushered in the kingdom and upon his death, resurrection and ascension the Father sent the Holy Spirit and poured out the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus. This was the beginning of the last days and the kingdom in power among the disciples by the Holy Spirit in the last days, until the return of Jesus, the final judgement and the new creation.In this book, we are considering the Biblical presentation and revelation of the kingdom from the prophecies of the kingdom, through the coming of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the last days, to briefly considering the return of Jesus and the new creation.
I hope that you find this book helpful and rewarding so that all of us may draw closer to God and seek first the kingdom of God. True teaching is fundamental to living in the truth as revealed by God.1 Corinthians 4:20.