This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content, which is especially relevant to students outside the United States. About the Textbook Help Students Connect Chemistry to the Real World NEW! Increased focus on sustainability throughout the text: Increased Emphasis on Sustainability particularly in the applied chapters and exemplified by the coverage in chapter 13 on the atmosphere authored by contributor Andy Jorgensen from The University of Toledo who is a world-renowned environmental chemist. Particularly throughout the more "applied" chapters later in the book, the authors made a conscious effort to focus on topics that had a sustainability focus, with new coverage including coverage of manufacturing processes, pollution as well as conservation and recycling. An emphasis on recycling as a theme throughout the book and added discussions on problems of atmospheric pollution and preservation of the benign greenhouse effect as well as help engage students in current issues while new Green Chemistry Essays provide students with a way to interpret environmental issues through a chemical perspective. Chapter 13 focuses on the atmosphere and Chapters 10-22 address manufacturing processes and their impact on pollution. NEW! Chemistry at Home experiments, assignable in MasteringChemistry, provide students with safe and interesting activities they can do on their own to observe how chemistry is relevant to their day-to-day lives. Compelling chapter openers include two or three connected images that introduce chemistry as it applies to an activity or product relevant to students' lives.
For example, Chapter 2 shows a tablet computer and the tiny integrated circuits that make it work. A photomicrograph of silicon atoms completes the connection from the macro world to the nano world. Environment-focused applications include many interesting, relevant and environment topics to help students connect chemistry to the world around them. Collaborative Group Projects are end-of-chapter exercises that help professors engage students in collaborative work with group assignments. Improved conceptual understanding through relevant pedagogy NEW! Estimation examples help further encourage conceptual thinking (found in "Have You Ever Wondered," Self Assessment Questions and Critical Thinking Exercises). "Have you Ever Wondered?" questions reflect real-life queries that commonly arise in students' minds as they are working through the chapter content. These questions appear at the beginning of each chapter, with both question and answer added in appropriate locations within the chapter. Critical Thinking Exercises encourage students to think critically about the scientific process and evaluate whether specific statements they might see in their daily lives meet the rational and objective standards of scientific rigor as outlined by the FLaReS method (Falsifiability, Logic, Replicability, Sufficiency).
These items are also assignable in MasteringChemistry with answer specific feedback designed to help students understand the scientific process. Self-Assessment Questions appear in each section as a concept check for students as they progress through the chapter. Chapter Summaries are organized by sections, with key terms highlighted, to remind students of important concepts. Molecular art features illustrations using a two-part visual image: microscopic and macroscopic views help students visualize what is happening on a molecular level. <.