1. The Empire, its Frontiers and Structure and the Spirit of Particularism 2. The Emperor and the Estates 3. Religion and Enlightenment 4. Germany's Social Structure and Economic Conditions 5. Political Thought in the 187thCentury 6. G. W.
Leibniz 7. The Epoch of Louis XIV and the Rise of Monarchical Absolutism 8. The Conquest of Hungary by the Turkish Empire and its Consequences 9. Emperor Leopold I and his Policy 10. Hungary's Liberation and Austro-Hungarian Relations 11. The War of the Spanish Succession and its Consequences 12. Emperor Charles VI 13. The Principal German States Until about 1740 14.
Christian Wolff and Enlightenment 15. Prussia Becomes a Great Power 16. Frederick II, his Personality, Thought and Work 17. Maria Theresa and Joseph II. Their Personality, Thought and Work 18. The Smaller German States in the Age of Enlightenment 19. Political Ideas in the Age of Frederick II and Joseph II 20. The French Revolution and German Public Opinion 21.
The End of the Empire Empire.