" The ultimate guide to the past, present, and future of same-sex relationship laws in the U.S. Same-sex relationships are treated differently under each state's laws, and more than a quarter of the U.S. population lives in a state with some form of legal recognition for same-sex couples. More than 100,000 same-sex couples have married. Making It Legal is the only book that offers a comprehensive review of all the issues that influence the decision to marry and breaks down the complex and ever-changing rules of same-sex relationship laws. This book provides guidance on important issues that same-sex married couples may face: - Is a pre-nup advisable? What does it involve? - What happens when you want to file your taxes? - When is a will or a living trust needed? - What are the special needs of same-sex couples with kids? - When should you turn to professionals for help during disagreements? - How do you work with step-parents, past partners, and the blended family? Nationally recognized same-sex relationship law expert Attorney Frederick Hertz and Attorney Emily Doskow have written the ultimate guide to the ultimate decision -- whether to enter into a marriage or other legal relationship with your same-sex partner.
Since the first edition was published, numerous changes have taken place across the country. Some states have legalized same-sex marriage, and others have passed laws stating that they will acknowledge same-sex marriages from other states. This edition is updated to account for these changes in state laws and projects additional changes likely to happen in the future"--"With the only comprehensive guide to same-sex relationship laws in the U.S., Making It Legal discusses the important factors involved in the personal decision to marry, along with the issues that every married couple may face: What are the special needs of same-sex couples with kids? What happens when you want to file your taxes? When is a will or a living trust needed? "--.