For over 75 years, Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys have continued to reign as the preeminant teen detectives of young adult fiction. The two series, actually composed by numerous authors under one penname for each, contain hundreds of books and spin-offs, and have been beloved by generations of children. These books and their memorabilia have endured generational and cultural change since they were first published in the 1930s, and continue to be favorites of girls and boys all over the world. Carole Kismaric and Marvin Heiferman, in their beautifully illustrated and designed book, explore the genesis of the two series, their history and development through the years, and above all their cultural significance. In an age that has seen dramatic changes in the interests and habits of children, Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys remain favorites among young readers, and have served as models and predecors for many current fictional young sleuths. "The Mysterious Case of Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys" is the perfect book for their fans of all ages who want to reminisce, understand and explore the worlds of their favorite teenage detectives.
The Mysterious Case of Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys