Career Pathways : From School to Retirement
Career Pathways : From School to Retirement
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Author(s): Hedge, Jerry W.
ISBN No.: 9780190907785
Pages: 372
Year: 202001
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 135.24
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Table of Contents Preface List of Contributors 1. Understanding the Concept and Promise of Career Pathways Jerry W. Hedge and Gary W. Carter Section One: Career Pathways for Workforce Education and Economic Development 2. An Integrative Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Career Pathways Debra Bragg 3. Pathways to Success through Career Technical Education: Developing and Evaluating Community College Career Pathways Initiatives Lauren Eyster 4. Apprenticeships and Career Pathways Czeslaw Noworol 5. The Interplay between Career Support and Career Pathways Jenny Bimrose and Alan Brown Case Studies 6.

Connecting College and the Workplace through Pathway Development in Kansas Sandra Staklis, Laura Rasmussen Foster, Debra Mikulka, and Christa Smith 7. Giving Manufacturing Career Pathways a LIFT Myriam Sullivan and Deborah Kobes Section Two: Career Pathways for Individuals and Organizations 8. Career Pathways as an Integrative Framework for Talent Management Systems Jerry Hedge and Gary Carter 9. How to Steer Your Career? A Proactive Approach to Career Pathways Jessie Koen and Roy Sijbom 10. Job and Career Crafting to Fulfill Individual Career Pathways Maria Tims and Jos Akkermans 11. Purpose, Meaning, and Career Pathways Bryan J. Dik, Alexandra Alayan, and Kaitlyn Reed Case Studies 12. Career Pathways Case Study - Advance Auto Parts Kenneth T.

Bruskiewicz and Lindsay Mach Sherer 13. Career Pathways as a Strategic Human Capital Management Program: MyCareer@VA Tim McGonigle and Shelly Butler Section Three: Emerging Issues in Career Pathways 14. Big Data, Data Science, and Career Pathways Dave Dorsey 15. Emerging Career Pathways: Alternative and Independent Work Arrangements Gary Carter and Jerry Hedge 16. Career Pathways for Late Career Workers Jenn Rineer 17. Using O*NET to Identify and Design Career Pathways Denise Craven and Dave Rivkin 18. Fulfilling the Promise of Career Pathways Gary Carter and Jerry Hedge.

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