David Hayward, aka nakedpastor, has published his first book of cartoons. This book contains 101 of his best and most provocative cartoons, including 10 new ones exclusive to this book.Here's what people are saying: SWhat another creative communicator did with parables, David Hayward does with cartoons I "m a big fan! Brian McLaren SDavid Hayward says in pictures what I would love to say in words. There are times when all the words in the word don "t say it as well a rightly crafted image. David Hayward says more of the hopes of God, the struggles of the church and the possible path forward for us all in images than anyone could with words. Doug Pagitt SDavid Hayward does what cartoonists do best: he makes you laugh, gets you on side, and then catches you unawares with a challenging thought that comes at you sideways. Unmissable! Maggi Dawn SThrough nakedpastor "s cartoons, I "ve been able to join other broken buddies as we pray and play on the fringes of the faith. By deconstructing the mounds of Jesus junk, we can catch fleeting glimpses of God.
Becky Garrison SDavid "s cartoon "s are often funny, sometimes sad, always honest. I think of them as political cartoons that aren "t about politics: they express a longing or a frustration or challenge to think in a new way. Mark Oestreicher.