Part 1 The court modernization movement in perspective: reshaping the courts - traditions, management theories and political realities, Cole Blease Graham Jr; court reform - the politics of institutional change, Philip L. Dubois and Keith O. Boyum; normative models of court organization and management, Donald C. Dahlin. Part 2 The progress of court reform: the current status of state court reform - a national perspective, James A. Gazell; the American Bar Association's Standards Relating to Court Organization - a general review, Cole Blease Graham Jr; judicial administration in the federal courts, Stephen L. Wasby. Part 3 The management environment: separation of powers, judicial impartiality and judicial independence - primary goals of court management education, David J.
Saari; judicial leadership in court management, Sue R. Faerman et al; Pygmalion in judicial responsibility - toward a management ethos among judges, William J. Panner Jr and Judith A. Cramer. Part 4 The court management profession: the traditional managers - judges and court clerks, Steven W. Hays; the modern court managers - who they are and what they do in the United States, David J. Saari et al. Part 5 Personnel management in the courts: personnel system operations in judicial administration, Donald Fuller; the training of court managers, Harvey E.
Solomon; staffing the bench - personnel management and the judiciary, Steven W. Hays. Part 6 Budgeting in the courts: unified court budgeting, Ronald M. Stout Jr; the status and future of state financing of courts, Robert W. Tobin and John K. Hudzik; revenue generation by the courts, David Bresnick. Part 7 Caseflow considerations: fundamental issues in caseflow management, Maureen M. Solomon; alternative dispute resolution in the courts, Susan L.
Keilitz; jury management - emerging strategies and dilemmas, G. Thomas Munsterman. Part 8 Emerging issues and approaches: audio-visual applications in court management, David P. Anderson Jr; cameras in the courtroom, Nicholas P. Lovrich et al; evaluating trial court performance, Floyd Feeney; planning for court management, Theodore J. Fetter; future directions in the practice of court management, Michael D. Planet.