A compelling story of a young man's struggle to find his true calling set alongside a heart-breaking account of Vincent van Gogh's last years.Is there a moment, Bernard wondered, when your life changes forever?The room fairly sang to him. It sang colours such as he'd never seen before.It sang freedom, madness, joy! And the future was clear and certain.Bernard is an aspiring but alienated young artist living in the French city of Arles. He finds himself in conflict with his teacher who disapproves of his painting style, his contemporaries who are suspicious of him, and most of his family who do not understand. Only Bijou, his beloved grandmother, appreciates his originality and sensitivity. However, Bernard's life changes irrevocably when he meets the great Vincent van Gogh, and his real struggles - and perhaps his real life - begin.
'THE PAINTER is full of emotion and detail and is a very enjoyable read. this book will inspire you.' - ABC's The RapCelebrating 25 years of Libby Hathorn, acclaimed author of the Australian young adult classic THUNDERWITH.'A powerful novel about hope and the human spirit's ability to finally win through.' - COURIER MAIL, Brisbane on THUNDERWITH.