"This splendid selection contains Kevin Hart's finest poetry. From the 'Ten Thousand Things' that calm the mind to the double loss of Eurydice we encounter the symbolism of 'Dark Bird,' where it becomes frightening to learn that 'finches are in blossom' either in a poem or a world. Hart's penetrating lucidity is dense with passionate knowledge, the lovely series of new poems entitled 'Sugar' are so lyrical you catch your breath when a sharp edge appears to cut away any sign of sentimentality. Hart is a master craftsman, he needs to be, so that his visionary imagination doesn't brim over--he travels along a wild track to enter the calm recording-time, so the reader's mind can 'move upon silence.' A great poet of the intellect but touched by his knowledge of love and the possibility, these days, of the soul." --Robert Adamson, author of Net Needle.
Wild Track : New and Selected Poems