In the late 1970s, celebrated children's author Christie Harris published three books known as the Mouse Woman Trilogy, fascinating retellings of legends of the Haida people of British Columbia. Raincoast re-issued each book in the trilogy and is now publishing an omnibus edition that contains all of the Mouse Woman stories, together with the striking original artwork by Douglas Tait. Harris' stories feature Mouse Woman, who is a narnauk--a supernatural being who takes the shape of both a mouse and a grandmother. Mouse Woman's role is to keep order between other narnauks and humans, particularly young people. A unique and wonderful character, Mouse Woman is always enterprising--she uses tact and more than a little trickery to set things right. But she is also sympathetic and, of course, always successful."One of the strongest voices speaking for the people of the Haida Gwaii and their neighbours." (Bill Reid)Ages 8 and up.
The Mouse Woman Trilogy