The two volumes of Conflicted Giant span the period 1945-2012, and are organized by presidential administrations. They present the story of America's ongoing struggle to follow John Winthrop's 1630 description that America was like a "citty upon a hill;" suggesting that America had a mandate to follow God's moral code. The United States embraced that image, but found that she was in constant conflict with countries which did not share America's values, confronted situations which required compromise, and, at times, forced Washington to ignore her moral agenda. Relying heavily upon primary sources and archival materials, Conflicted Giant is a thorough examination of America's foreign policy including her mishaps and failures, while not underplaying the importance of her accomplishments.
Conflicted Giant : American Foreign Policy 1945-2012 a Citty upon a Hill Versus Realpolitik Volume II: 1989-2012