In a world where Wallyce Tilton, the wealthiest person alive, becomes the President of the United States alongside her beloved sister Morrigan as Vice President, a series of unprecedented events unfold. Wallyce, a brilliant business leader, relocates her administration to Barca City, a futuristic self-contained metropolis housing her vast empire, causing tension with Congress. Defying traditional norms, she refuses to place her businesses in a blind trust, challenging constitutional interpretations. Meanwhile, as Barca City flourishes, a devastating virus known as Cyto-47, triggering a lethal Cytokine Storm, threatens humanity's existence. Morrigan, entangled in a blossoming relationship with Aaron, an altruistic investment broker with an underground community, must navigate these turbulent times. With infection rates soaring, the world faces an uncertain future.
Utopia's Edge : A World Divided