Despite having written two books now; I never set out to become an author. It all started out with my desire to cast a silver palace. As things began to present themselves I decided to put them into a book and called it God's Feminist Movement". My philosophy is if you see a problem and you don't want to do anything to change it then you should keep quiet. Complaining about it is not going to change anything.My experience as a Weapons Mechanic introduced me to electronics which I pursued further in college. My interest in how things work included electronic devices that could be used for spying. I worked on how that specific knowledge could be used on the general public once I discovered it was not being addressed.
Never stop learning you may just end up writing a book like me. It has become the information age.My second book "How to Prevent Sexual Assault" was quite literally a practice book when I first started writing. Of course it started out about technology. I decided to publish because no one else is discussing the technology which exists that predators can use to stalk their victims. I have been amazed at what technology is readily available while doing research.Every seven minutes, someone in America commits a sexual assault. Rest assured this is a very serious topic.
Having caught my first rapist at the age of 12 I decided to write on how people could protect themselves. The details of how I accomplished this are inside.If you learn just one thing that saves you from a sexual assault you are victorious.Accomplishments: U. S. Air Force Weapons Mechanic on F15Associates Degree Computer Electronics 1985Bachelor of Science 1998Associates Degree Electronics Technology 2009.