Part One: Introduction Part Two: The Fundamentals and Their Role in Design Introduction; Point - a Sound of Silence; Line and What Follows; Planes, Shapes and Forms; Various Polygons; Grids and Guidelines; Use to the Creative Practitioner; Summary Part Three: Underneath It All Introduction; Various Useful Constructions; Static and Dynamic Rectangles; Root Rectangles; The Brunes Star; Compositional Rectangles; Grids from Dynamic Rectangles; Summary Part Four: Tiling the Plane Without Gap or Overlap Introduction; Regular and Semi-regular Tilings; Demi-regular Tilings; Aperiodic Tilings; Islamic Tilings and Their Construction; Tiling on a Curved Surface; Developing Original Tiling Designs; Summary Part Five: Symmetry, Patterns and Fractals Introduction; Symmetry Operations; Motifs, Figures or Repeating Units; Friezes, Strips or Borders; Lattices and all-over Patterns; Counter-change Designs; Fractals and Self-similarity - Another Type of Symmetry; Summary Part Six: The Stepping Stones of Fibonacci and the Harmony of a Line Divided Introduction; The Fibonacci Series; The Golden Section; The Golden Rectangle; The Golden Spiral Uses in Art, Design and Architecture - a Summary of the Debate; The Potential for the Creative Practitioner; Summary Part Seven: Polyhedra, Spheres and Domes Introduction; Spheres; Platonic Solids; Archimedean Solids; Radiolarians, Soccer Balls and Super Molecules; Polyhedra in Art and Design; Domes; Summary Part Eight: Structure and Form in Three Dimensions Introduction; Elements of Three-dimensional Form; Representations of Three-dimensional Form; Cubes, Prisms and Cylinders; Cones and Pyramids; Three-dimensional Lattices; Transformations; Summary Part Nine: Variations on a Theme: Modularity, Closest Packing and Partitioning Introduction; The Nature of Modularity; Modularity in the Fine and Decorative Arts; Modularity in Design and Architecture; Closest Packing; Efficient Partitioning; Towards a Theory of Emergence in the Decorative Arts and Design; Summary Part Ten: Structural Analysis in the Decorative Arts, Design and Architecture Introduction; Symmetry Analysis - Steps Towards a Consistent Method; Geometric Analysis in the Decorative Arts, Design and Architecture; Frequently Used Constructions and Measures; Questions Relating to Method and Data Collection; Steps Towards a Systematic Analytical Framework; Questions of Accuracy; Summary Part Eleven: A Designer's Framework Appendices References.
Structure and Form in Design : Critical Ideas for Creative Practice